The Nutrient Extract Solution Project

A soil additive experiment: NES & FE vs. NPK : Is the Solution the solution?

An Experiment in the Grounds of one of the largest campuses in the world. Testing a brew of soil enrichment components (NES) side-by-side with Fish Emulsion (FE) fertilizer  against a commercial 10-10-05 fertilizer(NPK) on: Turf, Oaks, Bottlebrush, and some Variegated Yucca.

Each plant type = = 40 sites

The total number of sites that we are testing different percentages of NES, FE, NPK, and straight water are 160. NES and FE is the test and NPK is the control. Water is water. Check the links for more information about what we are doing.

One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616
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